On Monday, Eli and I had the opportunity to visit my friend, Erin, and her daughter, Taryn. (Erin and I were good high school friends, then actually lived together for a year after college. Erin married another one of my closest friends, Phil. They just moved to Goshen because Phil is now the Assist. Principal at Northridge High School.) Taryn and Eli played while Mommy and Erin got to catch-up. Eli loved riding in Taryn's car and sliding down the slide. They had lots of fun together, and we can't wait to spend more time with them again.
Scott had a boat show to go to in Miami, so we decided to make a vacation out of it. We left on Wed. the 13th and stayed in Ft. Lauderdale through Monday the 18th. Both of Eli's uncles, Casey and Shawn, were able to join us. Eli loved getting to spend time with them! We had a wonderful time playing in the pool, seeing all the sights, and eating delicious food. Yum! Eli's favorite was definitely the pool. He just can't get enough of playing in the water. It was SO hard to return from 80 degree weather to the freezing temperatures of Elkhart. Hope Spring comes soon!
Well, it has been an interesting couple of weeks. Eli has decided that he wants his independence and he is no longer a baby. Oh, this is SO hard for Mommy to deal with. He no longer wants to take naps, drink from a bottle (which actually was a plus), or let Mommy rock him before bed. When he doesn't get his way, we've been dealing with hitting and head-butting. It's been a real challenge before naps. It's been really hard, but I've had to learn to just let him cry, which usually does end up in him falling asleep. Our little boy is growing up!
Welcome to our blog! In 2006 I decided to quit my job as a 3rd grade teacher to become a full time stay-at-home mom. This fall I am heading back to work as a preschool teacher at my son's preschool! I am so excited to be teaching a 4/5 year old class 3 days a week! My husband, Scott, is employed at a local company in Bristol, IN and sells fabric and vinyl to the RV and marine industries. We are proud parents of a 4 year old little boy, Elijah (Eli), and in November 2009 we added another little boy to our family, Jayce. Being a mother is my greatest joy! I've really enjoyed documenting the many things that happen in our lives. Come back often for updates!