Sunday, February 28, 2010

Team Pictures

Eli had soccer pictures of his team. This was a big process to get all the kids to stay still and smile. We have not received the professional one yet, but here is one that Lindsay Good took. Also, a few pictures from the practice and game.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Aunt Karen Comes for a Visit

My dad's sister, Karen, came for a short visit. This was the first time she got to meet Jayce. We went to a nice dinner at Mad Anthony's then headed back to my dad's house. It was a nice little visit and Eli had fun entertaining her.

Valentine's Day 3-D

This year on Valentine's Day Scott took me to go see Avatar in 3-D. It was a movie that I didn't know if I really wanted to see, but I heard that you have to see it in the theater and how good it was. I'm so glad I was awesome! Such a beautiful movie!

Before we left, Eli got out his 3-D glasses and had some fun. He cracked me up asking, "Can I wear these tonight?" and "Do I look good?" I just had to get some pictures! Love that little guy!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Daddy's Basketball Game

On Monday nights Scott plays in a basketball league in Goshen. Eli really enjoys going to the games because he gets to play with his buddy, Cole. The boys enjoy walking back and forth on the bleachers, playing with their cars and even coloring. I enjoy it, too, because I get some time to chat with Cole's mom, Lindsay. Sometimes we realize that we never even watched the game....oops!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We are the Retrievers!!!

Eli got his new soccer shirt at practice last night. His team is called the Retrievers.

Eli did much better with chasing the ball, but he was a little more into entertaining Grandma, Paw Paw, Uncle Shawn and Uncle Casey, who all came to watch him play. His favorite thing is just to run around the court. Hopefully, by the end of the clinic he'll actually enjoy soccer.

Eli's biggest fan!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

He's Got Moves

Sunday night while watching the Grammys, Eli started his dancing moves when one of his favorite songs was played, "Tonight's Gonna be a Good Night". Glad Scott had his phone close by to get a video. Hilarious! (Pretty sure he got his moves from Daddy)