Our good friend, Jen Marr, has been taking pictures for a side business. I've looked at some of her work and just had to call her and see if she could get some pictures of the boys. We headed out to Notre Dame on a perfect fall day. The boys did really well for being there so long and Eli loved seeing the Notre Dame campus. I'm so happy with the pictures! We're just so blessed with our beautiful boys! Here are some of my favorites!
Our preschool had a field trip to Kercher's Apple Orchard. It was fun for me to go as a teacher and also as a Mommy. Eli chose to hang with his class when they went on a hayride and picked out a gourd, but then I joined him when they picked apples. Eli enjoyed finding apples that didn't have any "goobers" on them and, of course, he loved eating one! Yum! It was such a beautiful day and we had a great time!
A few weeks ago we headed to Amazing Acres in Michigan! This place was awesome! Eli loved all the fun activities....and there were a lot!....feeding goats, (plastic) duck races, the Miner's Line (Zip-Line), the slides, playing in the corn sandbox, the hayride to the pumpkin patch, small tractor races, a corn-maze, and mining for gems! You could have spent many hours there! What a fun place...we will definitely make this a yearly thing!
A few weeks ago we got to meet Benjamin (Ben) Kidder for the first time! He is just absolutely precious! I'm so mad I didn't get any pictures, but I did use a picture that was sent to us. Eli also was excited to see Grace...I did get a picture of them. Aren't they an adorable little couple!
Congratulations Scott, Micki and Grace Kidder on the birth of little Ben! We love you!
Daddy's favorite sport is football (played in high school), so I think it will probably be something our boys do, too. Scott has been working with Eli on how to throw and catch a football and he has gotten pretty good! Notre Dame....here we come!
Welcome to our blog! In 2006 I decided to quit my job as a 3rd grade teacher to become a full time stay-at-home mom. This fall I am heading back to work as a preschool teacher at my son's preschool! I am so excited to be teaching a 4/5 year old class 3 days a week! My husband, Scott, is employed at a local company in Bristol, IN and sells fabric and vinyl to the RV and marine industries. We are proud parents of a 4 year old little boy, Elijah (Eli), and in November 2009 we added another little boy to our family, Jayce. Being a mother is my greatest joy! I've really enjoyed documenting the many things that happen in our lives. Come back often for updates!