On Tuesday Scott left for Miami, Florida for his work, so Eli and Mommy got to have some special time together. On Wednesday we went to lunch at Applebee's with Grandpa and Grandma Joey. Eli had fun flirting with the waitress and talking to all the people around us. Can you tell he's a lot like his Daddy? Later that evening we went over to Grandma and Paw Paw's house. Eli loves playing with the little cars they have and putting them into their pull-out couch. It's not going to be an easy job getting those out! On Thursday we went to dinner at Hacienda with Marcia (one of Mommy's teaching partners). Eli loved hearing the waitresses sing and clap "Happy Birthday" to others! He joins right in with the clapping. And, on Friday we went to lunch at Luchessi's with Kate (a friend of Mommy's from her old band). Eli, again, talked to everyone and had each of the waitresses stopping by our table to play with him. We then went shopping together, and Daddy returned home that evening. We had such a fun week visiting with friends and family!
On Saturday we went to Mia Morrison's 3rd birthday party. Eli had such a fun time crawling around and getting into everything. He loved exploring and hanging around the other kids....especially Gracie. It's so hard being the youngest because he SO wants to be able to join all the big kids. Soon! We ended up staying at the Morrison's house pretty late to watch the Notre Dame and IU games. Eli was pretty exhausted and didn't get to bed until pretty late. It was well worth it to have such a full day of fun!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Mia! Thanks for inviting us to your party and letting us be part of your special day!
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