We had a very exciting, yet stressful day yesterday. I was so happy because Keli and the boys were coming over to spend the day with Eli and me. Leo and Diego had fun playing the WII while Vincent and Eli played with all the toys. Marcel is getting so big! Basically he just ate and slept. Eli began to get fussy, so I put him down for a nap. We had lunch, then decided to go outside so we wouldn't disturb Eli, and it was such a beautiful day! Think it got to 50 degrees! We were having a nice time talking and playing outside when the neighbor's dog got out of their fence and came over to our house. It was outside our fence, but it was antagonizing our dogs. I even tried to shoo the dog away, but it wouldn't leave my dogs alone. After about 30 minutes of this excitement our dog, Riley, had a seizure!!! Keli and the boys decided to leave so I could call the vet immediately. Grandma came over to watch Eli and we were off to the vet. Both the dogs are okay, but we've got to watch Riley in case she has another one, and Murphy is limping from the day's activities. Poor babies! What a day!
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