Eli had so much fun trick-or-treating this year. It was his first real experience. Eli got to be a lion...ROAR! Our friends, Andy & Laura Krause joined us with their son, Drew, who was a monkey. Drew and Eli are best buds! They were so cute going up to the houses to get candy. They usually had to be reminded to say "trick-or-treat" and "thank you." After about an hour of this we went to MeeMaw & Paw Paw's house. MeeMaw had little Halloween gift bags for each of the boys. She also had lots of food to eat. They boys played cars and legos while the adults munched on goodies. To end our evening, we then went to Grandpa & Grandma Joey's house for our last trick-or-treat stop. Eli really enjoyed the night, but I think that he forgot he got lots of candy...has never asked for it. Mommy & Daddy sure haven't forgotten...Yum!
Welcome to our blog! In 2006 I decided to quit my job as a 3rd grade teacher to become a full time stay-at-home mom. This fall I am heading back to work as a preschool teacher at my son's preschool! I am so excited to be teaching a 4/5 year old class 3 days a week! My husband, Scott, is employed at a local company in Bristol, IN and sells fabric and vinyl to the RV and marine industries. We are proud parents of a 4 year old little boy, Elijah (Eli), and in November 2009 we added another little boy to our family, Jayce. Being a mother is my greatest joy! I've really enjoyed documenting the many things that happen in our lives. Come back often for updates!
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