For Jayce's 1st Birthday we had two small parties...one with Scott's family and one with mine. On the day of Jayce's Birthday we went to dinner at Heinies then went to Grandma & Paw Paw's house for cake and ice cream. Grandma had a cake made that was exactly like Scott's cake for his first birthday!

It was so special! Grandma also got a cupcake for Jayce to eat. He was hesitant at first, but once he got a taste of that frosting, he LOVED it! It was so cute how he would use his pointer finger to touch the frosting! We cleaned him up and it was present time! Eli's friend, Drew, got to join us for the party and after Jayce opened his presents (with lots of help) the boys all loved playing with them! It was a fun evening!

The next evening we headed to my Dad's house for dinner. My Dad & Joey and the Rodriguez family were able to join us. Scott and I brought over pizzas from Columbo's...yum! After dinner we enjoyed the cake! Joey made an awesome Mickey Mouse cake! (She's so creative!) After cake and ice cream the boys all enjoyed some play time and Jayce opened his gift from Grandpa and Grandma. We had a great time being with the whole family & the cousins!

Thank you so much to both Grandmas for making Jayce's cakes so special! And thank you all for all the gifts and opening your homes to us! We love you!
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